In 2018, 13.2 million people received essential health, nutrition, and population services, of whom 7.8 million were women. 37,267 women were screened for cervical cancer and 2.5 million people were treated through outpatient services.
From 2016–18, 442 health centers exceeded 60% score on an established quality assessment, up from 49% in 2016. 100% of the health centers received payments based on performance with high-quality scores within 90 days. The proportion of health centers with functioning health center management committees increased from 64% in 2017 to 75% in 2018.
From 2016–18, 775 children from floating villages were enrolled in community-based schools. 7,258 children were enrolled in home-based schooling and 6,078 parents were participating in this program.
In 2017–18, 19,760 students were benefited from a secondary education improvement project—with women accounting for 77.6%—and 100% of schools conducted teacher assessment based on an established professional standard.
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Key Achievements
In 2018, 13.2 million people received essential health, nutrition, and population services, of whom 7.8 million were women. 37,267 women were screened for cervical cancer and 2.5 million people were treated through outpatient services.
From 2016–18, 442 health centers exceeded 60% score on an established quality assessment, up from 49% in 2016. 100% of the health centers received payments based on performance with high-quality scores within 90 days. The proportion of health centers with functioning health center management committees increased from 64% in 2017 to 75% in 2018.
From 2016–18, 775 children from floating villages were enrolled in community-based schools. 7,258 children were enrolled in home-based schooling and 6,078 parents were participating in this program.
In 2017–18, 19,760 students were benefited from a secondary education improvement project—with women accounting for 77.6%—and 100% of schools conducted teacher assessment based on an established professional standard.