From 2014–18, 192,586 students have received stipends, and 47,008 schools received grants to improve their services. 20,407 mentee teachers also received mentoring from 316 well-trained teachers.
From 2012–18, 6.9 million people benefited by a community-driven project that improved water supply and sanitation, rural roads, irrigation, power, health, and education. 60% of households in project villages participated in planning, decision-making, and implementation of sub-projects. 90% of the members were satisfied with the positive changes in their rural communities.
From 2012–18, 21,249 rural infrastructures were built using block grants. 387,272 people have used newly gained skills in project planning, financial management, and procurement. 1,328 government officials were trained in project management, engineering, and planning. During the same period, 17,505 (98.7%) grievances related to the delivery of services were addressed on time.
In 2018, a newly completed combined cycle gas turbine power plant reduced CO2 emissions per output generated by 400 gCO2eq/kWh.
From 2013–18, 130 MW of conventional thermal energy generation capacity was added to the national grid. In 2015, an IDA-supported national electrification project, had strengthened the institutional capacity of relevant agencies. In 2018, a newly completed combined cycle gas turbine power plant reduced CO2 emissions per output generated by 400 gCO2eq/kWh.
From 2013-18, 12 million people benefited from telecommunication sector reforms. Access to telephone services (fixed and mobile) increased to 108% from 10%, and access to Internet services went up from 2% to 91%. The number of licensed telecommunications operators also increased from one to 140 during this period.
Modernization of Myanmar’s public finance management (PFM) systems has increased tax revenue to GDP ratio to 10% in FY2018–19, up from 6.2% in FY2012–13. From 2013–18, 7,900 government staff benefited from training courses through PFM academy. Fiscal transparency was enhanced by the government’s commitment to publicly disclosing documents in line with global good practice.
From 2014–18, 192,586 students received stipends and 48,007 school heads received training in project implementation through an expanded school grants program. 9.7 million people were directly benefited through this program.
From 2015–18, 22,924 people were provided electricity with renewable off-grid or mini hydro sources, and 1.09 million people through hybrid solar mini-grid.
From 2015–18, 25,133 public lighting structures were installed. 22,430 connections were through off-grid or mini-grid and 2,703 though grid network. During the same period, 74.7 kilometers of distribution lines were constructed or rehabilitated 10,150 transformers were installed.
From 2015–18, 1.1 million people were provided with electricity through the household connection, 22,924 people through renewable off-grid or mini-hydro sources, and 1.09 million people through hybrid solar mini-grid. 548,052 of the beneficiaries were women. During the same period, 14,280 community electricity connections were made. Grid connections accounted for 122 and off-grid or mini-grid accounted for 7,931.
From 2014–18, 22,252 people benefited through increased crop yields and cropping intensity in selected existing irrigation site in Bago East, Nay Pyi Taw, Mandalay, and Sagaing regions. During the same period, 5,808 hectares were provided with irrigation and drainage services and 3,900 hectares of irrigable area rehabilitated.
From 2014–18, 6.5 million people received essential health, nutrition, and population (HNP) services. 4.2 million of the beneficiaries were women. During the same period, 2.1 million births were attended by a health practitioner and 2.3 million children were immunized.
Key Achievements

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Key Achievements
From 2014–18, 192,586 students have received stipends, and 47,008 schools received grants to improve their services. 20,407 mentee teachers also received mentoring from 316 well-trained teachers.
From 2012–18, 6.9 million people benefited by a community-driven project that improved water supply and sanitation, rural roads, irrigation, power, health, and education. 60% of households in project villages participated in planning, decision-making, and implementation of sub-projects. 90% of the members were satisfied with the positive changes in their rural communities.
From 2012–18, 21,249 rural infrastructures were built using block grants. 387,272 people have used newly gained skills in project planning, financial management, and procurement. 1,328 government officials were trained in project management, engineering, and planning. During the same period, 17,505 (98.7%) grievances related to the delivery of services were addressed on time.
In 2018, a newly completed combined cycle gas turbine power plant reduced CO2 emissions per output generated by 400 gCO2eq/kWh.
From 2013–18, 130 MW of conventional thermal energy generation capacity was added to the national grid. In 2015, an IDA-supported national electrification project, had strengthened the institutional capacity of relevant agencies. In 2018, a newly completed combined cycle gas turbine power plant reduced CO2 emissions per output generated by 400 gCO2eq/kWh.
From 2013-18, 12 million people benefited from telecommunication sector reforms. Access to telephone services (fixed and mobile) increased to 108% from 10%, and access to Internet services went up from 2% to 91%. The number of licensed telecommunications operators also increased from one to 140 during this period.
Modernization of Myanmar’s public finance management (PFM) systems has increased tax revenue to GDP ratio to 10% in FY2018–19, up from 6.2% in FY2012–13. From 2013–18, 7,900 government staff benefited from training courses through PFM academy. Fiscal transparency was enhanced by the government’s commitment to publicly disclosing documents in line with global good practice.
From 2014–18, 192,586 students received stipends and 48,007 school heads received training in project implementation through an expanded school grants program. 9.7 million people were directly benefited through this program.
From 2015–18, 22,924 people were provided electricity with renewable off-grid or mini hydro sources, and 1.09 million people through hybrid solar mini-grid.
From 2015–18, 25,133 public lighting structures were installed. 22,430 connections were through off-grid or mini-grid and 2,703 though grid network. During the same period, 74.7 kilometers of distribution lines were constructed or rehabilitated 10,150 transformers were installed.
From 2015–18, 1.1 million people were provided with electricity through the household connection, 22,924 people through renewable off-grid or mini-hydro sources, and 1.09 million people through hybrid solar mini-grid. 548,052 of the beneficiaries were women. During the same period, 14,280 community electricity connections were made. Grid connections accounted for 122 and off-grid or mini-grid accounted for 7,931.
From 2014–18, 22,252 people benefited through increased crop yields and cropping intensity in selected existing irrigation site in Bago East, Nay Pyi Taw, Mandalay, and Sagaing regions. During the same period, 5,808 hectares were provided with irrigation and drainage services and 3,900 hectares of irrigable area rehabilitated.
From 2014–18, 6.5 million people received essential health, nutrition, and population (HNP) services. 4.2 million of the beneficiaries were women. During the same period, 2.1 million births were attended by a health practitioner and 2.3 million children were immunized.