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IDA20 Replenishment

IDA is deepening its support to drive a resilient recovery for the poorest countries through its historic $93 billion 20th replenishment cycle (IDA20) between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2025. With a focus on Building Back Better from the Crisis: Towards a Green, Resilient and Inclusive Future, IDA20 will help countries respond to the multiple challenges in a post-COVID-19 world and restore their trajectory towards achieving the 2030 development goals, ultimately reducing extreme poverty and improving shared prosperity. This overarching theme will be supported by five special themes and four cross cutting issues. The special themes are Human Capital; Climate Change; Gender and Development; Fragility, Conflict, and Violence; and Jobs and Economic Transformation. The four cross-cutting issues are Crisis Preparedness; Governance and Institutions; Debt; and Technology.


Special Themes

Climate Change

IDA helps countries cope with climate change by bringing new solutions—such as better weather data and forecasting, drought-resistant crops, cyclone-resistant houses and warning systems.

Fragility, Conflict and Violence

Fragility, conflict, and violence threaten to reverse development gains. Despite overwhelming challenges, IDA’s support is helping countries in the transition from crisis and fragility to development.

Gender and Development

IDA works to close gender gaps by bringing—and keeping—girls in school, helping women gain access to land titles and other vital assets, and ensuring they can obtain financing to start businesses.

Human Capital

IDA is investing in people through health care, quality education, and highly-skilled jobs of the future to compete effectively in the global economy.

Jobs and Economic Transformation

IDA supports countries in addressing the immediate needs of minimizing job losses and mitigating risks while also helping them seize longer-term job creation opportunities in a world transformed by COVID-19.

Cross-Cutting Issues

Crisis Preparedness

IDA helps countries build resilience in a world of more frequent crises with compounded effects.


Debt financing is critical for development. IDA works with client countries to strengthen debt management and help them make more informed borrowing decisions.

Governance and Institutions

IDA reinforces fiscal sustainability and accelerates digital governance to improve service delivery and institutional strengthening.


The COVID-19 crisis underscores the urgency to address the digital divide and accelerate the adoption of transformative technology to kickstart a green, inclusive, and resilient recovery.



With IDA’s help, millions of people have escaped poverty—through the creation of jobs, schools, roads, electricity, and more.


22 powerful results stories illustrate IDA’s impact on families, national economies, and development across African countries.
