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Debt Vulnerability

High Risk of external debt distress

Sustainable Development Finance Policy

Performance and policy actions required : Yes
Set-aside applied : No
Non-concessional borrowing ceiling : Zero
Performance and Policy Actions (PPA)
Debt Management

To improve debt management, the GoM will not enter into any contractual obligations for new external public and publicly guaranteed (PPG) non-concessional debt in FY25, except if the World Bank adjusts the non-concessional debt limit to a) reflect any material change of circumstances or b) in coordination with the IMF, in particular in line with adjustments in the IMF Debt Limit Policy (DLP).
Debt Transparency

To increase transparency and improve debt management, the Debt Unit at the Ministry of Economy and Finance (DNGDP) has migrated and reconciled all central government external debt (with the cut-off date for reconciliation in 2020) and 60 percent of central government domestic debt (in terms of end-2024 debt stock) from the Commonwealth Secretariat Debt Recording and Management System (CS-DRMS) to the CS-Meridian system. This will be incorporated in the Annual Debt Report approved by the Ministry of Economy and Finance and published on the Ministry’s website.

World Bank Lending

Grant eligibility : 100% grants Credit terms : Not applicable
Lending amounts by fiscal year (commitments, US$ millions)
Created with Highcharts 8.2.2IBRD LoansIDA CreditsIDA GrantsFY2016FY2017FY2018FY2019FY2020FY2021FY2022FY2023FY2024FY202502505007501000125015001750
Data as of: 01/31/2025

Total lending at project level, for the period from FY2016 to FY2025

Debt Data

Total external debt stock
% of GNI (2022)
Total debt service
% of exports (goods, services, and primary income,2023)

Country Characteristics

Population, Total
33.64 million
(as of 2023)
GNI, Atlas Method
18.2 billion
(in current US$ as of 2023)
GNI per capita, Atlas Method
(in current US$ as of 2023)

Additional Resources